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Microsoft Store からのメールを受け取るようにサイン アップしていただき、ありがとうございます。 閉じる. Amp is a physically modeled audio effect that emulates the timeless tones of seven classic guitar amps.

Analog emulates the unique circuitry and irresistible tweakability of vintage analog synthesizers. Able to produce everything from silky pad sweeps to earth-shaking bass. With more than Drum and Instrument Racks, over loops for slicing, tweakable effects chains and more, Beat Tools has all the sounds you need for hands-on beatmaking — especially with Push.

Build and Drop is loaded with ecstatic leads, enveloping bass, slamming drums and a range of rises, sirens and sounds effects. The curated sounds and presets inside are a creative toolbox for creating the irresistible anticipation and release this music uses to keep the party going. Chop and Swing comes loaded with inspired recordings and presets perfect for cutting up and re-combining into fresh new tracks.

Collision is a unique physical modeling instrument for authentic mallet sounds and creative percussion. Convolution Reverb is a creative device for bringing new space to your sounds — a sample-based reverb suite with hundreds of impulse responses from real-world spaces and world-class hardware.

Creative Extensions is a free addition to Live 10 Suite created with an experimental approach to sound processing and generative composition. CV Tools is ten creative Max for Live devices that let you control and interact with your modular gear with Ableton Live.

Drive and Glow combines swirling synth textures, overdriven guitars and basses and pounding drums. Carefully curated by Ableton, this Pack is perfect for creating tracks that radiate with saturated, indie vibes. Drone Lab is a place of sustain. Get lost in deep listening with complex, evolving threads of tone and texture, generative noise, multisampled instruments, plus devices and Racks designed for experimentation and improvisation.

Drum Booth contains carefully curated samples of acoustic kits recorded in a tight, dry room. Perfect on their own or as reinforcement for electronic drums, Drum Booth also offers a selection of unique experimental recordings not heard in standard acoustic libraries. Drum Essentials is a collection of handpicked sounds selected to cover a wide range of styles. A flexible, highly-refined Pack to form the rhythmic foundation of any production.

Drum Machines offers a choice selection of classic drum machines, meticulously sampled to faithfully reproduce the original sounds. Electric offers the sounds of classic electric pianos through physical modeling synthesis, allowing you to dive inside and play with the guts of the instrument.

Electric Keyboards is a new Pack featuring three legendary multisampled instruments: two electro-mechanical pianos and one tonewheel organ. Special attention was given to making this Pack sound as true-to-life and organic as possible. The result is characterful electric keys for any genre. Glitch and Wash explores the contrast of organic texture and precise rhythms. This Pack combines precision slices and microscopic snippets of sound with warm ambient pads, textures and soundscapes — ready-to-mix sounds designed for heavy tweaking.

Latin Percussion is a collection of acoustic percussion instruments such as congas, bongos, timbales, claves, shakers, tambourines and bells from the worlds of Brazilian, Afro-Cuban and African music. Set the scene with a collection of sounds for making music with a modern narrative feel. Evocative layered instruments combine organic and synthetic sounds with textural elements to add mood, space and movement to productions. A thorough set of vivid and colorful brass instruments.

Features solo and ensemble French horn, trombone, trumpet and tuba, with a unique set of articulations in multiple section sizes. Captures the true essence of symphonic percussion instruments in pristine quality. Features vibraphone, marimba, xylophone, crotales, glockenspiel, tubular bells, cymbals and timpani with a variety of articulations. A comprehensive selection of naturally rich and dynamic stringed instruments. Features solo and ensemble violin, viola, cello and double bass, all recorded in their natural positions within the orchestra, complete with a number of articulations.

Delivers a variety of clear and vibrant wind instruments. Features solo and ensemble flute, clarinet, bassoon, oboe and English horn with a broad selection of articulations. Punch and Tilt is a dancefloor-ready collection of sounds focused on machine rhythms, weighty bass and dark, hypnotizing melodies, textures and noises — a rough sonic aesthetic that started with a small group of underground producers and has grown into a worldwide scene.

Sampler is a sampling instrument that brings powerful multisample playback and import, as well as profound sound design capabilities to Ableton Live. This is more than just a few audio files. Samplification will kick-start your sampling skills and demonstrate what Sampler is really capable of. Free for Live 10 users, Singularities makes use of single samples and finely tuned, expressive parameters to capture the sound and feel of classic synths and samplers.

Included are 40 Instrument Racks, plus MIDI clips and drum kits — all the parts you need for a complete track. Skitter and Step inhabits the space where growling basses, rinsing pads and jarring melodies collide with jagged, broken percussion. The cavernous spaces, dubby basses and tight drums are ready for production but were designed for deep sound manipulation.

One part field recordings and one part additive synthesis, Spectral Textures is a unique instrument that blends together two distinct worlds of sound to create vibrant atmospheres, textures and progressions. Surround Panner is a free Max for Live device that makes mixing for performances, installations and theaters using multi-channel speaker setups possible in Live. Simply load the device into a track in your Live set and use the XY control to place it anywhere in the surround field.

Eight presets allow you to choose between four-, six- and eight-channel setups. Painstakingly created by top artists and sound designers, Synth Essentials makes it easy to find the sounds you need with no interruption to your creative flow. Tension is a physical modeling string synthesizer capable of creating incredibly accurate reproductions of real stringed instruments or otherworldly hybrids. Voice Box invites you to get inventive with vocals. This Pack features a comprehensive collection of contemporary vocal samples from multiple voices, a set of playable vocal instruments, and Effect Racks designed for vocal processing.

Stretch, shape and morph sounds into a broad sound palette using wavetables derived from synths, acoustic instruments, noise and much more.

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Auslogicsのラッキーデーです! ラッキーホイールを回して 素晴らしい賞品や割引を手に入れましょう. 製品 BoostSpeed. Disk Defrag. Registry Cleaner. Video Grabber. Windows Slimmer. Duplicate File Finder. Essential Tools. Registry Defrag. Driver Updater. Disk Defrag Ultimate. File Recovery. Auslogics について Auslogics は年にオーストラリアのシドニーで創業して以来、Microsoft Windows 用コンピュータのメンテナンスと最適化ソフトウェアのメーカーとして業界のリーダーに成長しました。 続きを読む プレスセンター レビュー、スクリーンショット、ボックスショットやその他のグラフィック目的で、ソフトウェアの評価版が必要な場合はお問い合わせください。 続きを読む. Windows 10をバックアップするには、プロの Windowsバックアップ ソフトウェア であるMiniTool ShadowMakerを試すことができます。.

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